sabato 4 novembre 2017

Blogging Rules and Regulations.

If you are a member of our little blogging community that is great as it is generally a healthy pastime to write a blog.
However, it is important that bloggers are aware of the following regulations as set down by the RBB Blog Police in accordance with the charter of Richard's Bass Bag* which all blogs in the community are obliged to adhere to.

------------- Blogging Community Rules and Regulations------------
to be overseen by RBB Blog Police in accordance with the RBB charter

  1. Blogging is a fun activity when one is aware and pays homage to the original bass bagging site.
  2. Do overly praise other blogs or let them almalgamate into groups bigger than four.
  3. Don't use the Richard's Bass Bag* name for your own purposes.
  4. Remember that 'Saturday Morning Live at Richard's Bass Bag*' is a special post that should be read promptly.
  5. Honour the bass bagging sites for making this little community possible.
  6. Don't drink more than two big glasses of wine before posting.
  7. Don't sleep with the wives (or husbands) of other bloggers.
  8. Don't make shit up or use stuff that you've pinched from other blogs.
  9. Don't say rude things about other bloggers, unless you have good cause.
  10. Don't covet another blogger's male servant nor his ox nor his donkey.

By order.
Capitano R Testore

* the original bass bagging site

2 commenti:

  1. Our IT Department has investigated the legitimacy of these regulations and has found them, to use an IT expression - 'a crock of shit'
    Furthermore we have checked out Richard's Bass Bag and have found it to be in contravention of all of the following regulations:

    "Blogging is a fun activity when one is aware and pays homage to the original bass bagging site." - GUILTY OF HUBRUS
    "Do overly praise other blogs or let them almalgamate into groups bigger than four." - GUILTY OF POOR SPELLING AND CONFUSION
    "Don't use the Richard's Bass Bag* name for your own purposes". - ONCE AGAIN GUILTY OF HUBRUS.

    "Remember that 'Saturday Morning Live at Richard's Bass Bag*' is a special post that should be read promptly." - IRRELEVANT AS THIS SLARBB NONSENSE IS VERY RARELY PUBLISHED

    "Honour the bass bagging sites for making this little community possible." - RBB FAMOUSLY IS EXTREMELY ASCERBIC TO OTHER BLOGGERS AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DELETION OF ROBERT'S POSTS AND BLOGS.

    "Don't drink more than two big glasses of wine before posting." - CLEARLY THIS RULE ISN'T FOLLOWED, ESPECIALLY ON THE WEEKENDS.

    "Don't sleep with the wives (or husbands) of other bloggers." - WELL RBB POSTS CERTAINLY PUT READERS TO SLEEP- IS THIS APPLICABLE?

    "Don't make shit up or use stuff that you've pinched from other blogs." - GUILTY, PARTICULARLY THE MAKING SHIT UP ALTHOUGH TO BE FAIR THERE HASN'T BEEN A LOT OF THAT RECENTLY. SHAME.

    "Don't say rude things about other bloggers, unless you have good cause." WE WERE GOING TO SAY 'GUILTY' BUT THE OVERRIDER - "UNLESS YOU HAVE GOOD CAUSE SAVES HIM THERE.

    "Don't covet another blogger's male servent nor his ox or his donkey." - GUILTY OF MISSPELLING, SALACIOUSNESS AND RELIGIOSITY.

    A further investigation may be necessary.

  2. Servant. I was using the Hebrew spelling when I wrote 'servent'.
